In [3]:
import polypy
import itertools

Get the reductums of a polynomial:

  • f is a polynomial
  • x the top variable

In [4]:
# Get all the reductums (including the polynomial itself), but not the constants
def get_reductums(f, x):
  R = []
  while f.var() == x: R.append(f); f = f.reductum()
  return R

Add a polynomial to the projection map:

  • poly_map: map from variables to polynomials
  • f: polynomial to add
  • don't add the polynomial, add factors instead

In [5]:
# Add polynomials to projection map
def add_polynomial(poly_map, f):
  # Factor the polynomial
  for (f_factor, f_factor_multiplicity) in f.factor_square_free():
    # Add non-constant polynomials
    if ( > 0):
      # Add to set of the top variable
      x = f_factor.var()
      if (x not in poly_map): poly_map[x] = set()

In [6]:
# Add a collection of polynomials to projection map
def add_polynomials(poly_map, polys):
  for f in polys: add_polynomial(poly_map, f)

Project the given polynomials:

  • poly_map: polynomials arranged by top variable
  • vars: the order of projection

In [7]:
# Project. Go down the variable stack and project:
def project(poly_map, vars):
  for x in reversed(vars):
    # Project variable x
    x_polys = poly_map[x]
    # [1] coeff(f) for f in poly[x]
    for f in x_polys:
      add_polynomials(poly_map, f.coefficients())
    # [2] psc(g, g') for f in poly[x], g in R(f, x)
    for f in x_polys:
      for g in get_reductums(f, x):
        g_d = f.derivative()
        if (g_d.var() == x):
          add_polynomials(poly_map, g.psc(g_d))
    # [3] psc(g1, g2) for f1, f2 in poly[x], g1 in R(f1, x), g2 in R(f2, x)
    for (f1, f2) in itertools.combinations(x_polys, 2):
      f1_R = get_reductums(f1, x)
      f2_R = get_reductums(f2, x)
      for (g1, g2) in itertools.product(f1_R, f2_R):
        add_polynomial(poly_map, g1.psc(g2))

Lifting (recursive sign-tabling):

  • poly_map: projected polynomials
  • vars: the order of projection
  • m: the assignment we update

In [8]:
# Lift the first variable, update the assignment and lift recursively
def lift_first_var(poly_map, vars, m):
  # We've tried all vars, print the asignment
  if len(vars) == 0:
    print(m) # Evaluation point
  # The variable we're assigning
  x = vars[0] 
  # Get the roots
  roots = set()  # Set of root values
  for f in poly_map[x]:
    f_roots = f.roots_isolate(m)
  # Sort the roots and add infinities
  roots = [polypy.INFINITY_NEG] + sorted(roots) + [polypy.INFINITY_POS]
  # Select values in the regions, and go recursive
  r_i, r_j = itertools.tee(roots)
  for r1, r2 in itertools.izip(r_i, r_j):
    # Get the sector (r1, r2)          
    v = r1.get_value_between(r2);
    m.set_value(x, v)
    # Go recursive 
    lift_first_var(poly_map, vars[1:], m)            
    # Get the section [r2]
    if r2 != polypy.INFINITY_POS:
      m.set_value(x, r2)
      # Go recursive
      lift_first_var(poly_map, vars[1:], m)                        

In [9]:
# Do the lifting
def lift(poly_map, vars):  
  m = polypy.Assignment()
  lift_first_var(poly_map, vars, m)

Full cad construction:

  • add all polynomials
  • project
  • lift

In [10]:
# Run the CAD construction
def cad(polys, vars):
  poly_map = {}
  add_polynomials(poly_map, polys)
  project(poly_map, vars)
  lift(poly_map, vars)


In [11]:
x = polypy.Variable("x");

In [12]:
y = polypy.Variable("y");

In [13]:
vars = [x, y]

In [14]:
polys = [x**2 + y**2 - 1]

In [15]:
cad(polys, vars)

[x -> -2, y -> 0]
[x -> -1, y -> -1]
[x -> -1, y -> 0]
[x -> -1, y -> 1]
[x -> 0, y -> -2]
[x -> 0, y -> -1]
[x -> 0, y -> 0]
[x -> 0, y -> 1]
[x -> 0, y -> 2]
[x -> 1, y -> -1]
[x -> 1, y -> 0]
[x -> 1, y -> 1]
[x -> 2, y -> 0]

In [ ]: